Videos, Podcasts, Articles, and other media featuring SecureDNA and our work.
Prof. Kevin Esvelt (2023) - Frontiers Forum Live "Safeguarding exponential biology" Timestamp 9:59
Prof. Kevin Esvelt (2023) - EAG Boston 23 "Screening all DNA synthesis and reliably detecting stealth pandemics"
Prof. Kevin Esvelt (2023) - Fortnight Institute "Securing Global DNA Synthesis and LLMs Against Risky Hazards"
Prof. Kevin Esvelt, Dr. Robert S. Pope (2023) - Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense "Informing Blueprint 2.0: Know the Enemy" Timestamp 46:00
Prof. Kevin Esvelt (2023) - Xapiens at MIT Pandemics, Gene Drives, Existential Threats"
Prof. Kevin Esvelt (2022) - EAG Boston 22 "Delay, Detect, Defend: Preparing for a World in which Thousands Can Unleash New Pandemics"
Prof. Kevin Esvelt (2021) - Foo Camp "Let's not learn to make pandemics"
Prof. Kevin Esvelt (2020) EAGX Asia-Pacific 2020 - "Mitigating catastrophic biorisks"
Senate Committee Wrestles With Risks and Benefits of Virus Research - (2024) -
It shouldn’t be easy to buy synthetic DNA fragments to recreate the 1918 flu virus - Kevin Esvelt (2024) -
Brussels should know AI-assisted bioterrorism is a risk worth considering - Kevin Esvelt, Benjamin Mueller (2023) -
The DNA of Deadly Pathogens Is Easy to Obtain - (2023)- Mother Jones
Experts debate the risks of made-to-order DNA (2022) - ars Technica
Delay, Detect, Defend: Preparing for a Future in which Thousands Can Release New Pandemics - Kevin Esvelt (2022) - Geneva Paper 29/22
Kevin Esvelt wants to make the world safe from — and for — biotechnology - (2022) -
How a deliberate pandemic could crush societies and what to do about it - Kevin Esvelt (2022) - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Manipulating viruses and risking pandemics is too dangerous. It’s time to stop. - Kevin Esvelt (2021) - The Washington Post (op-ed)
Safety, Security, and Independent Oversight of Research in the Life Sciences - Senate Testimony of Professor Kevin M. Esvelt (2024) - Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Preventing Catastrophe: Immunizing our civilization against catastrophic biological threats - The Sculpting Evolution Group, MIT
Pandemic virus prediction and the proliferation of accessible weapons of mass destruction - Congressional Testimony of Professor Kevin M. Esvelt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2021) - House Foreign Affairs Committee
Listen: A conversation with researcher Kevin Esvelt on the urgency of improving biosecurity measures - (2024) - First Opinion Podcast Kevin Esvelt on cults that want to kill everyone, stealth vs wildfire pandemics, and how he felt inventing gene drives - (2023) - 80,000 hours podcast
The Risks of Manufactured Viruses - (2023) - Talking Biotech
Preparing for a World in which Thousands Can Unleash New Pandemics, EAGxBoston 22 - (2022) - EA Talks
Kevin Esvelt and Jonas Sandbrink on Risks from Biological Research - (2022) - Hear This Idea
Mitigating catastrophic biorisks - (2021) - EA Talks
Dangerous biological research – is it worth it? - (2021) - Rationally Speaking
EAGxVirtual 2020: Mitigating catastrophic biorisks - (2020) - EA Talks